Heath Ledger
Jake Gyllenhaal
Michelle Williams
Anne Hathaway
Two cowboys meet while herding sheep one summer and begin a secretive homosexual relationship that spans many years.
I heard a lot about this movie before I saw it. Some people said it was a beautiful love story, some said it was immoral, and one just said it was sad.
There were a few things about this movie that I liked. For one, the acting was believable and the story did have its touching moments. The mountain scenery was stunning, even for someone like me who grew up in the Rockies. It also portrayed the struggles these two faced as a gay couple in the 20th Century quite well.
Unfortunately, this film had some serious weaknesses. The two main characters were rarely likable, even when they were together. And it was mostly boring, I honestly think the story could have been told in half the time. There was also the sex, which could have been implied rather than shown.
IMDb page
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